Mednarodna zveza sindikatov UNI-EG močno obsodila napad na socialni dialog v Sloveniji
16. februarja 2021 je na platformi zoom potekala dvoletna Generalna skupščina Mednarodne sindikalne zveze za grafični sektor “UNI-Europa Graphical”, katere se je udeležilo preko 60 predstavnikov sindikalnih central iz cele Evrope.
Na skupščini je bila med drugim sprejeta SKUPNA IZJAVA v imenu UNI-EG glede trenutnega stanja socialnega dialoga v Sloveniji. UNI-EG podpira slovenske sindikalne centrale in poziva Vlado RS k takojšnji ponovni vzpostavitvi socialnega dialoga ter upoštevanju socialnih partnerjev kot enakopravnih partnerjev pri sprejemanju zakonodaje.
- SKUPNA IZJAVA – prenesi (v angleškem jeziku): Slovenia Solidarity address – UNI EG Biannual Meeting_16.02.2021
UNI Europa Graphical Biannual General Meeting statement on the attack on Social Dialogue in Slovenia
The UNI Europa Graphical stands in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Slovenia in the face of the recent attacks on the National Social Dialogue System by the Government of the Republic.
Over the last three decades, the tripartite social dialogue, under the umbrella of the Economic and Social Council, has been instrumental in the legislative development that has paved the way for development and modernisation in Slovenia. The entry into NATO, the introduction of the Euro and the economic recovery of 2012, among others, were possible thanks to the consensus reached through social dialogue.
UNI Europa and its Biannual General Meeting reject the drift taken by the Slovenian Government, which has kept the social partners out of the decision-making process for the adoption of measures to fight the pandemic.
We also strongly reject the fact that legislative reforms unrelated to the fight against the pandemic have been processed as a matter of urgency, in an opportunistic manner and without consulting the social partners, in what can only be described as an authoritarian drift taking advantage of the social alarm and the suffering caused by Covid 19.
In the light of this worrying information, we wish to express our deep concern about the way in which the recovery and exit from the pandemic will be handled. UNI Europa Graphical considers it essential that social concertation and the active participation of the social partners are a prerequisite for the use of the European Recovery and Resilience Fund, and should also be a basic principle of the national policies of the member states.
Simon Dubbins, UNI Europa Graphical President
Daniel Fernandez, UNI Europa Graphical Secretary